Photo: Getty Images
Roller coasters can be very dangerous with their sky-scraping heights and breakneck speeds. However, thanks to stringent safety measures, thrill-seekers don't have to worry much on the rides, that is, assuming everyone follows the rules. If those rules are broken, riders are put in jeopardy, and that's why an observant employee recently stopped a roller coaster just before it peaked on a 200-foot-high climb to confiscate a phone from a rider who was using it when they weren't supposed to be.
It went down at Ohio's Cedar Point amusement park on their Magnum XL-200 coaster. When the ride first opened in 1989, it was the tallest, fastest and steepest complete-circuit roller coaster in the world - and the first to top 200 feet. That means the worker had quite a trek ahead of him to reach the cars and take away the phone. It was all caught on film by another amusement park-goer who witnessed what was happening. He shared it on TikTok with the caption, "They stopped the ride roller-coaster to take someone's phone."
While the phone-user's selfish actions extended the wait time for everyone in line and made for an uncomfortable wait in the hot sun for all the other riders, it must've been especially annoying to the poor worker who had to climb up to grab the device. Commenters on the video felt for him, writing things like, "I would have a panic attack walking down," "That guy just maxed his stair count," "Well, he had his leg day 😳," and, "He is the bravest man on Earth that would go up on the roller coaster walking like that I could never do that." Others were shocked at how he would fearlessly lean into the railing so high above the ground, "Na is bro leaning on the rail😭," and, "He’s just leaning like nothing 😳."
No word on if the rider faced further punishment after the coaster made it back in, but the park makes sure to clearly state multiple times that using phones on rides is strictly prohibited. They also have cameras to ensure the rules are followed and when they aren't, these are the consequences.