Photo: Bea Basner
Traveling can be fun and exciting, but it can also be dangerous - especially if you are traveling alone. You never know when you might become a victim, and one flight attendant shared a tip on TikTok that will keep you a little safer.
Her name is Esther and since she often flies as part of her job with Dutch airline KLM, she know what travelers need to do to protect themselves. According to her video of travel hacks, you should always throw a bottle of water under the bed of your hotel room as a way to "check if no one is under your bed without looking." She explained that if the bottle doesn't come out the other side, you might be in danger and should find a staff member or fellow traveler to be with you.
Commenters were split on the hack, with one writing, "The water bottle check under the bed though. 👏🏾," another stating, "Never even occurred to me that someone could be under the bed 😱😱😱 new fear unlocked." and someone else asking, "How many times you found someone under your bed? That seems crazy." One other joked, "Imagine u dont throw hard enough, end up accumulating empty bottles below cuz u can reach it 😂😂."
The water bottle tip isn't the only one a flight attendant has offered. Others have provided some helpful travel safety measures as well. Another one suggested, "Put the 'do not disturb card' between the door, so you can notice if someone has been in your room." Before you leave, by placing the placard between the door and the wall as it hangs from the doorknob, you'll know someone came in your room if you return and it is hanging straight.
Learn more by following Esther and Demi on TikTok.